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Uriel Araujo: A Life Shaped by Futsal and Cultural Diversity

Ahead of the UEFA Futsal Champions League, we caught up with Uriel Araujo

Background and Beginnings

Uriel Araujo hails from Barcelona, Spain, but his upbringing spanned across continents due to his father's illustrious futsal career. "Growing up in many different countries, thanks to my dad’s career as a professional player and coach, allowed me to experience diverse cultures and styles of futsal," Uriel recalls. His father's stints in countries like Hungary, Japan, Costa Rica, Lebanon, and Canada significantly influenced his early exposure to the sport.

Introduction to Futsal

Uriel's involvement in futsal began naturally through his father's influence. "Watching my dad play and coach instilled a deep love for the game in me from a young age," he says. His first competitive experience was at 14, playing for an under-18 team in Lebanon. "The constant engagement and the ability to dribble and take on opponents frequently made futsal incredibly exciting for me," he adds.

Futsal Journey

Uriel vividly remembers a key moment in his early futsal days. "One of my most memorable moments was training with the under-18 and under-21 national teams in Lebanon, and even getting to train with the first team," he shares. This experience, though challenging, solidified his passion and determination to excel in the sport.

His biggest inspiration has been Diego from Barcelona. "I was captivated by his style of play, especially his ability to take on opponents one-on-one. I’ve tried to emulate his skills and approach to the game," Uriel says.

Playing for Manchester Futsal Club

Uriel joined Manchester Futsal Club at 18, starting in the development team and eventually moving up to the first team. "My experience with Manchester Futsal Club has been transformative," he states. "Winning the treble this season and playing in the Champions League has been incredibly rewarding."

Uriel’s role in the team focuses on his strength in taking on players. "My primary responsibility is to receive the ball, take on players one-on-one, and create opportunities by either finishing the play myself or assisting my teammates," he explains.

Key Skills in Futsal

For Uriel, the essence of futsal lies in mastering the basics. "Success in futsal is about performing the simplest skills extremely quickly and at the right times. The true key is high futsal IQ and rapid execution," he emphasises.

Personal Insights

Uriel has his own pre-game rituals. "I prefer to eat light meals and have specific preferences for my gear. I always wear wrist tape on my left wrist, and since starting this, we’ve won every game," he notes.

Staying motivated is driven by his love for the game and a personal competition with his father. "My dad never played in the Champions League, and I can now say that I’ve participated once and hopefully twice," he says with a smile.

Goals and Aspirations

Uriel aims to continue improving and making a significant impact in the Champions League. "My goal is to excel in the Champions League and beyond," he shares.

Hosting the UEFA Futsal Champions League

Hosting the Champions League in Manchester is a proud moment for Uriel. "It's the first time an English team has hosted a Champions League in futsal, which is massive for the sport and the city," he states. "Playing at home with local support can significantly boost our performance."

Community Impact

As a youth coach, Uriel sees the positive impact of futsal on the community. "Futsal builds confidence and fosters social connections. It helps young players enjoy the game and connect with others from diverse backgrounds," he says.

Advice to Young Players

Uriel advises young players to enjoy the game and embrace the process. "Keep playing and enjoying the game. The more you practice, the better you’ll become," he encourages.

Personal Interests

Outside of futsal, Uriel is passionate about fashion and business. "I’m working on my brand called KREDI, a motivational premium clothing line," he shares.

Fun Fact

A fun fact about Uriel is his past in beatboxing competitions. "I used to participate in beatboxing competitions when I was young," he reveals with a chuckle.

Uriel Araujo’s journey through futsal is a testament to his dedication and the global influence that shaped his career. His story continues to inspire young athletes and contributes significantly to the futsal community.

Come and catch Uriel and Manchester Futsal Club in the UEFA Futsal Champions League this August. Tickets are available now at

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